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Plant Breeding
Plant Biotechnology

IP Protection for Plant Biotechnology

Elevate Your Plant Biotechnology Innovations with Secerna

Embark on a journey of innovation with Secerna's resolute team, boasting deep expertise in the field of Plant Biotechnology. Our attorneys are well-versed in plant biology, leveraging innovative technologies like CRISPR and other gene-editing tools to introduce desirable traits in crop plants. Explore the depth of our capabilities:

Advanced Plant Biology Knowledge:

- Deep expertise in plant biology up to post-doc level, encompassing the use of CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies.

- Pioneering advancements in introducing desirable traits in crop plants for enhanced agricultural outcomes.

Patent Navigation in Plant Selection Techniques:

- Navigating the patentability of precision breeding and plant selection techniques in Europe and across the world.

- Strategic insights to secure intellectual property rights for innovations in Plant Biotechnology.

Protection via Plant Variety Right System:

- Obtaining protection through the Plant Variety Right system.

- Leveraging legal frameworks to safeguard innovations in plant varieties.

Elevate Your Plant Biotechnology Innovations with Secerna

Partner with Secerna to leverage our specialised knowledge in Plant Biotechnology. From advanced plant biology to patent navigation and protection strategies, we are committed to propelling your innovations forward.

Please contact us for a complimentary 1-hour consultation to discover how Secerna can tailor its expertise to meet your unique challenges.